中古 CANON FPA 5000 ES2+ #293748673 を販売中


ID: 293748673
KrF Scanner Does not include CYMER Laser Missing parts: 7702-05X Laser head B180L Housing Image shifter MBX Driver SH Unit (L) SCH-RΘ Robot Reticle cassette robot Masking unit Relay housing Z-Axis motor and driver RC Cassette robot Z Axis motor and driver Robot controller RC Internal LIBE Elevator control PA Unit: L, fine type Console flat panel Alignment monitor SV7 Solenoid valve unit Library belt Cable assembly: RCRO-1, RCLB-2 MB Driver: WY, R, WLC Library LM: Guide, Ball, SUS Motor drive unit: WQMBY, WZRX Reticle robot RC Robot relay cable EXPO-CD PCB Assembly Image processor PCB Assembly MO Drive IP Board RTCAM Board C-Oil temperature controller Measurement board SCSI Extender PCB CAP6 PCB DMP DSP PCB IO DSP PCB RT DSP PCB.