中古 G&N IDS 34 #142089 を販売中
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ID: 142089
ヴィンテージ: 2007
Inner diameter saw, 34"
Substrates capable: silicon, germanium, GGG, samariumcobalt, ferrite, glass, ceramic, semi-precious stones
Machine frame:
Vibration-free cast construction
Removable sheet metal covers on all sides
Swing type crystal holder: inner diameter saw blades up to 34" (860mm)
Frame rests on (6) shock and vibration absorbers
Blade mount:
Arranged horizontally
Axial and radial air bearings in optimum material combination
(2) Separate air connections for supply of air bearings
Air bearings sealed by labyrinth seals
Stationary inner cup: 260mm inner diamerter and (2) removable covers for control of the rotor disc
Massive rotor disc: heavy-duty special alluminum allow
Saw blade held by clamping ring
Spindle unit: horizontally adjustable, fitted to machine frame with (3) special screws
Supply pressure: 6 bar
Supply volume: maximum 30 m^3/hour
Axial runout of tensioning ring: less than 0.003 mm
Radial runout of tensioning ring: less than 0,015 mm
Radial runout of spindle pulley: less than 0.05 mm
If supply pressure drops below 4.5 bar, spindle drive is switched off via 2 air-lack differential switches, the monitors of axial and radial pressure
Top surface and inner diameter of supporting ring protected by welded stellite coat
Spindle drive:
AC motor: 3kW
Spring-pressure disk brake
Spindle drive: endless flat belt, grounding on both sides
Self-acting belt tensioning device
Power supply by electronic frequency converter
Spindle speed (infinitely variable): 500 to 1500 RPM
Spindle speed indication by 4-digit digital readout
Monitoring of the drive system by revolution control system
Machine automatically switched of if RPM is less than 900
Run-up time: less than 3 minutes
Run-down time: less than 2 minutes
Ingot infeed:
Arranged vertically to horizontal blade
Ingot clamping on the slide via holder, centering pin, quick clamping lever
Guide-ways of pre-loaded slide coated and grounded
Rolled ball screw pitch: 5mm
Top and bottom end position of the slide are limited by limit switches
Ingot dimensions:
Ingot dimensions: crystals up to 200mm ø and 570mm length
Orientation: ± 7° in (2) directions (scale graduation: 1 minute)
Thickness range: 0.6 to 6mm in 1µm increments
Index system repeatability: less than ±2µm
Infeed rates:
Up: 16 mm/sec
Down: 16mm/sec
Down: 2mm/sec
Cutting feed system:
Ingot feed mounted on massive, rigid, horizontal moving cast arm
Rests on large column and runs on (2) tapered polymer coated slide ways
Column clamped in a cast flange, screwed to machine frame
Cutting feed drive effected via ground ball screw, 2mm pitch, driven via disc gear motor, gimbal suspension of swing arm drive
Feed rate is infinitely variable, maximum 1800mm/min
Respective sawing positions can be preselected, monitored via potentiometers
Swing arm can be moved to extreme right hand position for saw blade or ingot change
Automatic wafer recovery system:
Wafer unloading within blade mount through 260mm dia bore of inner cup and air bearing spindle via a rigid linkage arrangement and a large surface vacuum chuck
Pick up chuck can be lowered 30mm, adjustable in end positions
Pick up chuck adjustable in (2) directions parallel to ingot to be cut
Additional height line feed
Vacuum and the back air for sawn wafer supplied thorugh linkage
Wafer transfer: blade bore
Swiveling handling arm with vacuum head takes sawn wafer from pick up chuck, lifts off and swivels through 900 to the rear
Wafer discharged in rear end position
Automatic switch off if wafer breakage or incorrect pick up
Possible control functions:
Set up:
All functions are operated individually, feed and infeed are interlocked
Single cut:
One feed motion without return
Fully automatic operation with automatic unloading
Pack slicing:
Adjustable for 1 to 999 cuts via three-decade selector switch
Signal bulbs:
Indication of faults: lack of air, vacuum, filter faults are indicated by signal lamps
Measuring and control unit Micro-Epsilon:
For monitoring and controlling saw blade with respect to saw quality and connected characteristics of saw blade
Supplies operator with information about possible unnecessary dressing procedures
Contactless gauging unit measures saw blade deviation during cutting cycle
Technical data:
Crystal range (dia x l): maximum 200 x 570mm
Packet cut of (2) crystals up to 125mm ø each
Sawblade diameter: 860 x 304mm
Rotational speed of spindle (infinitely variable): 500 to 1500 RPM
Spindle and drive:
Spindle: aerostatic bearings
Motor: 3kW, mechanical brake
Sawing feed:
Feed rate (infinitely variable): 0 to 150 mm/min maximum
Return speed: 1800 mm/min
Index system: 0.6 to 6mm
Indexing accuracy: 5 ± 2µm
Indexing speed: maximum 1500 mm/min
Adjustable: + 7° in two levels
Flow rate adjustable: up to 12 L/h
Indication: flow meter
Hydraulic system:
Pump: 0.55kW
Tank volume: 25 L
Pressure: 35 bar
Connected load: 7kW
Electrical supply: 220/380V, 50Hz
Compressed air: 6 bar
Unloading device and vertical arrangement of crystal: automatic withdrawal of individual wafers without stopping machine
Simultaneous operation of other machines is possible
Predetermined number of wafers can be semiautomatically packet cut
Horizontal arrangement of sawhead allows for access and fitting of sawblade with (2) clamping collars
Entire sawhead runs in radial and thrust aerostatic bearings
Adjustable on all levels
Electronic control and closed loop measuring system
Smallest infeed increment: approximately 0.6mm
Repeatability: < + 2µm
Rigid construction and dynamically balanced rotating components
Demonstration machine
CE marked
2007 vintage.
G&N IDS 34は、ドイツのGerd&Netzgert社によって作成された最先端のスクライビングおよびダイシング機器です。このスクライブとダイシングシステムは強力に設計されており、多くの革新的な機能を提供しています。このユニットは、モータ駆動切刃の動きでダイシングの最高精度を確保するために、サーボ制御の空気圧クランピングシステムを使用しています。また、サーボ制御デバイスの位置決めとブレードアセンブリの組み合わせを使用して、切断操作を迅速に完了します。カッティングヘッドは、自動的に引き込むことができ、完璧な完成品を達成するのに役立ちます。パワフルなベースとは別に、IDS 34はパフォーマンスのための多種多様な機能を提供します。このマシンはシンプルでユーザーフレンドリーなコントロールユニットを備えており、コードと製品データを迅速かつ直接入力できます。そのユーザーインターフェイスは、開始から終了までの処理サイクルを管理するのに役立ちます。また、プロセスの進捗状況をリアルタイムで監視し、製品の最高品質を保証することもできます。G&N IDS 34は、オペレータフレンドリーな取り扱いのための準備ツールを備えているため、製品を別の製品に簡単に切り替えることができます。さらに、このツールは人間工学に基づいて設計された機械ベースを備えており、あらゆる作業環境に適しています。このスクライビングとダイシングアセットにより、加工の柔軟性も実現します。厚さ0。8mm、長さ35mmまで対応可能です。ダイシング領域は50 x 50mmまで設定でき、切断深度は12mmまで設定できます。ソーのテーブルの部分的な可動性は、最も複雑な輪郭をナビゲートするのに役立ちます。IDS 34には、ブレードとワークを正確にアライメントするためのレーザー測位モデルが搭載されており、より高い速度と精度を実現しています。さらに、最も複雑な部品でも正確に切断できます。G&N IDS 34装置は、非常に短いサイクルタイムで正確で正確な切断を提供する優れたソリューションです。革新的な機能と使いやすいオペレータインターフェースにより、このシステムは信頼性が高く、正確で高品質な製品を提供します。