中古 PHILIPS / ASSEMBLEON Lot of spare parts #9240046 を販売中

PHILIPS / ASSEMBLEON Lot of spare parts
ID: 9240046
Qty / Part number / Description (4) / 996500002778 / Holder index assemblies (5) / 532269392008/ PPU Flexible guides (1) / 532221811665 / Interpolation box (2) / 532221604703 / VIS Interface boards (2) / 532236111212/ Motors (1) / 532269392102 / Linear encoder (6) / 532213010069 / Sensors (8) / 532236010486 / Nozzles 73F (1) / 532232011919 / Cable duct, Y1-axis (4) / 532269311367 / Single ejectors (1) / 532232162945 / X-Harness (1) / 532221604277 / Servo amplifier Y (1) / 532236121777 / DC Motor (3) / 532213200139 / Sensors (4) / 532269311582 / Extension Profile rears (1) / 532236110907 / Motor hoist (8) / 532236010207 / Speed valves (6) / 72 949839600345 / Nozzles (2) / 532213200056 / Sensors (1) / 532236111211 / Motor (13) / 532236010365 / E-Valves (1) / 5332236010483 / Nozzle assy (3) / 532213200141 / Sensors (5) / 532246311286 / Guide locator pins (6) / 71 946602962471 / Nozzles (3) / 532236010208 / Valves, (Up / Down) (1) / 532232011922 / Supply cable, Y1-Y2 (1) / 532232161745 / FCM Bus, X1-BMA, X3 (3) / 532236010464 / Cylinders, sub stop (1) / 532221604702 / Y-Motor (28) / 532247930169 / Brushes, X trans motors (19) / 5402251248140 / Center points (1) / 532236010322 / Solenoid valve (1) / 532228010339 / Feeding relay (1) / 532232162946 / Y-Harness (4) / 532232210104 / Coax cables (4) / 996500003810 / Sensors (4) / 996500003812 / Sensors (1) / 532221604701 / Encoder interlace BYM (7) / 532235810276 / Belts (56) / 532213200106 / Receiving sensors, 12 mm (7) / 532248010219 / Dust filter cartri̇dges (3) / 532221604304 / Interconnection boards (3) / 2747/50 / Nozzles, melf RND (39) / 532248050464 / Fi̇lters, 5 mi̇cron (4) / 532252850357 / Pulleys (1) / 532221491769 / Interpolate (1) / 532269392022 / Laser cont units (5) / 532221491178 / PHI LED Boards (3) / 532246311285 / Guide main stops (10) / 996500009065 / Locate pins (4) / 532247930182 / Brushes (1PK=200) (4) / 532236010496 / Nozzles 76A (2) / 532226511231 / ELEC Slide contacts (7) / 532235831217 / Belts, 1915 mm (2) / 532247960113 / Nozzles, SPR inductor (2) / 5322 276 13941 / POS Switches, right (2) / 5322 276 13942 / POS Switches, left (5) / 532213410038 / Fluorescent lamps (20) / 532247930167 / Carbon brushes, Y motor (4) / 532236010463 / Cylinders main stop (1) / 532246611521 / Magnet cover band X (2) / 532236010209 / Blow valves (1) / 532269322744 / LED Board (2) / 996500003813 / Sensors (2) / 532252641103 / Dust catches (2) / 532252850379 / Timing belts, pulley (2) / 532236010484 / Nozzles 71F (2) / 532213083437 / Power brids, SKD50/04 (6) / 532252610649 / Couplings (2) / 402252669580 / GRP Jaws, double low (1) / 532246611522 / Magnet cover band Y (1) / 402253207390 / Magnet (3) / 532248010219 / Dust filter cartri̇dges (3) / 532213200142 / Sensors (1) / 532252881554 / Wheel (1) / 532245010147 / Glass plate (8) / 5322 480 50486 / Filter elements, 40 u (5) / 5402251248160 / Flex points (2) / 532213083436 / POW Brids, SKD 30/04 (1) / 532221604101 / Li̇mms i̇nterconnection Panel assys (2) / 532227111028 / Press transducers (3) / 532235810281- l1260 / Belts (1) / 532236010495 / Nozzle 74A (2) / 402252669550 / Gripper jaws, low (2) / 402252669590 / Gripper jaws, double high (2) / 532239590723 / Joints (5) / 532235810283 / Belts, R-motors (2) / 532235831334 / Timing belts (2) / 532235810189 / Timing belts (2) / 532213410038 / Fluorescent lamps (4) / 532252910353 / Gas comp springs (5) / 5322 214 91177 / Drive boards (5) / 532236210275 / Brush li̇ft motors (10) / 532249211052 / Leaf springs (1) / 532213083436 / POW Brid, SKD 30/04 (12) / 532246662416 / Gaskets (4) / 5322 520 10804 / Bearings (6) / 532235810186 / Timing belts (1) / 532221604673 / vacuum sensor board (4) / 532246211024 / Cap plastics (3) / 532235810177- 1313 / Belts, X-8, X-1.2 (2) / 5322 532 12818 / Washers (4) / 532235810174 / Belt heads (1) / 532232011921 / X Pox cable, Y1-Y2 (1) / 532232161744 / FCM Bus X2 - PIP con X8 (5) / 532235810157 / Timing belts+ (1) / 402253810200 / AQ Conveyor belt (1) / 532240591621 / Lever (4) / 532246662622 / Touches (2) / 532236010202 / Nozzles (2) / 532235831333 / Timing beltS, 10 AT (6) / 949839600377 / Punches (1) / 532252910351 / Gas spring (2) / 532235831216 / Geared belts (3) / 532236040499 / Pin cylinders (3) / 532241720174 / Quick connect couples (2) / 532235810277 / Belts (1) / 532235810279-l1299 / Belt (1) / 532235820309-5 / T belt, X16, X73 (10) / 532249211372 / Spring compression (4) / 532213010889 / Lamps (4) / 5322 492 11793 / Leaf springs (4) / 5322 520 10806 / Bearings (1) / 532247960114 / Nozzle melf RND (1) / 532239510877 / Shaft assy (10) / 532252811008 / Connecting elements (1) / 532235810145 / Belt (1) / 262215022106 / Cir-clip fork (6) / 532213430007 / Tl lamps, 8 W / 33 W (10) / 532253070614 / Retaining rings (2) / 262285518719 / Timing belts (2) / 532213440888 / Lamps, 14 V (1) / 532249252422 / Spring (2) / 5322 535 10675 / Needle pins (1) / 532252610632 / Joint (1) / 532253010435 / O-Ring, bowl (2) / 532253051297 / O-Rings, metal (22) / 532253051368 / O-Rings, 0.3 x 0.1 (2) / 532249211694 / Spring nozzles (2) / 5322 492 11794 / Spring returns (2) / 532225692296 / Spring holders (1) / 532236110755 / Motor width adjust (1) / 532221810802 / Power supply, PE 1942 / 00 (1) / 996500002790 / Motor assy (9) / 482250210174 / Grub SCR cups, stblk (1) / 5322 530 70526 / Cir-clips (2) / 5233 520 10802 / Bearings (2) / 5322 528 11005 / Pulleys.