中古 AKRION Lot #9192389 を販売中

ID: 9192389
Lot of spare parts: Qty Part number Description (2) 6409152A-00 Tank,quartz,preweigh,2g (4) 7460101A Actuator assy,w/sensor flag (4) 00040038-00 Detector,flame,firesentry,15ft (2) - Pump,motor,drive (1) 00012789-00 Kit,gun,di (1) - Housing wrench (2) 2950121A-00 Motor pump drv halar coat (1) - Housing wrench (4) 00033330-00 Preweigh sensor, high temp process modu (2) - Housing wrench (2) WCDS000F4 Controller,pump,pre-disp (4) - Lines 2700 blue recirc-quick d/connect (8) - Racks for be tools (13) 00033330-00 Preweigh sensor, high temp process modu (2) - Pump,motor,drive (3) - Tube,liquid,level (2) 00040038-00 Detector,flame,firesentry,15ft (2) M50ET12001A0 Pump, trebor (2) 00040038-00 Detector,flame,firesentry,15ft (4) - Surge suppressor, trebor (2) 3243611A-00 Sensor,flame,detector,8ft (6) 00040038-00 Detector,flame,firesentry,15ft (1) - Preweigh assy. 9.0 gal. r-l-r. 94xx (1) - Sensor, stroke, nisso (3) 2950121A-00 Motor pump drv halar coat (4) 2950121A-00 Motor pump drv halar coat (3) WCDS000F4 Controller,pump,pre-disp (1) - Robot,upper,arm,9200a (7) 8780091A-00 Valve,air,operated,200mm (4) - Lines 2700 blue recirc-quick d/connect (2) - Tube,liquid,level (11) 00033330-00 Preweigh sensor, high temp process modu (2) M50ET12001A0 Pump, trebor (2) - Valve,nisso,gas-control (50) 4100541A-00 Screw,mach.philips,titanium (2) 3243611A-00 Sensor,flame,detector,8ft (4) 9735752A-00 Adapter,pump,head (1) 8954112B-00 Gripper,finger,8in,upgrd (1) - Pump,motor,drive (3) - Tube,liquid,level (4) - Racks for sulph tools (4) 3471512A-00 Cover,narrow-profile (4) - Racks for pre diffusion tools (4) 1022872A-00 Aws single/dual 8 pump collar (1) - Preweigh assy. 4.0 gal. r-l-r. 94xx (3) - Racks for sulph tools (1) - Aqua seal tank, htd, aquaseal, qtz (4) 3243611A-00 Sensor,flame,detector,8ft (4) 2950121A-00 Motor pump drv halar coat (2) 3471512A-00 Cover,narrow-profile (1) 8954112B-00 Gripper,finger,8in,upgrd (2) 9735752A-00 Adapter,pump,head (3) 3471512A-00 Cover,narrow-profile (1) - Aqua seal tank, htd, aquaseal, qtz (1) 00012789-00 Kit,gun,di (2) 00018726-00 Xchngr,heat,qtz,sulf,assy (4) 9735752A-00 Adapter,pump,head (6) - Sensor, stroke, nisso (4) 3471512A-00 Cover,narrow-profile (50) 4100541A-00 Screw,mach.philips,titanium (2) 2263111A H2o2 rotomolded pvdf preweigh tank (1) - Housing wrench (6) - Valve,air operated (3) - Valve,air operated (2) 00044258-00 Heat exchanger assy 9400sps (6) - Door assy, nisso box door....clpv (1) - Robot,upper,arm,9200a (4) 9734952A-00 Valve,quick,exhaust,valve,w/viton,seal (7) - Valve,nisso,gas-control (2) - Pump,nisso,200mm (2) 7462871A-00 Heater,ir,w/thermowell (1) - 2axis,robot arm,use/w teflon end effect (1) - Pump,nisso,200mm (9) - Pump,nisso,200mm (1) - Solenoid,gripper,9200a (1) 8780091A-00 Valve,air,operated,200mm.