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ID: 67971
The Microferm is a bench-scale fermentor designed for mass cultivation of microorganisms in batch fermentation and continuous culture, This research apparatus is fully instrumented for monitoring and controlling temperature, rate of agitation and aeration.
Cells are cultivated in a stirred Pyrex glass fermentor fabricated for repeated autoclaving. The vessel rests on a head adapter plate so that a single MicroFerm assembly can accommodate all available fermentor vessel sizes up to 14 liters when the appropriate adapter is employed. A quick-disconnect drive coupling with twist-lock design simplifies removal of the fermentor.
In MF units the impeller shaft of the conventional mechanically coupled fermentor vessel is supported by two stainless steel ball bearings mounted within a housing sealed top and bottom, which is press fitted to the head plate. A lapped mechanical seal at the lower end of the housing prevents transfer of lubricant or fermentation broth, with resultant contamination, from housing to fermentor or vice versa.
Efficient agitation is achieved by ijpellers with flat stirring paddles and by four vertical baffles. The culture medium is agitated in a radical pattern, achieving uniform dispersion of constituents. Since the impellers are removable they can be positioned for different working volumes if desired.
Reproducible agitation is attained by means of a precision drive mechanism with a solid-state speed controller. The drive is quiet and provides constant speed over a wide range. Impeller speed is closely regulated by an electronic feed-back system which sompensates automatically for normal voltage fluctuations and viscosity changes in the culture medium. Agitation is continuously monitored on a calibrated electrical tachometer which provides accurate speed indication.
Air or other gas is metered through a pressure regulator, needle valve, flowmeter and a stainless steel, glass wool packed filter. Sterile gas is fed through a sparger line with a single orifice. The orifice fitting is removable and can be replaced with an accessory ring sparger or sintered disc sparger. To minimize liquid loss and evaporation of the culture medium, effluent gas is passed through a small, water-cooled exhaust gas condenser in the fermentor head plate. Here, vapor and aerosols are condensed and returned to the culture as the gas passes through the exhaust filter.
Close thermal regulation is achieved by a temperature controller that energizes an in-line immersion heater in the water circulation circuit or a solenoid valve in the cold water inlet line. Temperature fluctuations are avoided by conditioning the recirculating water before it passes through the hollow baffles. This mixing of cool and warm water in the circulating circuit, and the rapid flow through the baffles, prevents temperature surges and increases control accuracy.
Unit contains:
Dual vessel
Controls for: Power
Heat on
Cooling water
Unit has: Tachometer
Gas flow control.
20 Liter unit.
NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214は、効率的なサンプル調製と優れた結果を研究者に提供するために設計された、最先端のラボ機器とアクセサリーです。この汎用性の高いデバイスは、均質化、洗剤分裂、水性/エタノール沈殿など、さまざまな生化学分離に使用できます。MF214は頑丈で、大気腐食および強い酸およびアルカリに抵抗するように設計されている高級なステンレス鋼からなされます。フレームおよび内部部品は強さおよび安定性を維持している間重量を最小にするためにアルミニウムおよびプラスチックからなされます。また、温度変化にも対応し、外気温に関係なく信頼性の高い結果が得られます。NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214には、最大7つの速度設定を備えた高品位の回転攪拌機が装備されており、研究者は一貫性と正確さで均質化と組織の分解を行うことができます。また、強力な誘導磁石駆動システムとビーカーカバーを装備し、使用中の安全性を確保しています。リモートコントロールパネルもあり、実験の進行状況を監視しながら、速度や開始/停止機能など、さまざまなパラメータにアクセスできます。MF214はまた、最大7つの機能を同時に動作させることができ、-20°C〜+50°Cの温度範囲に耐えることができる高性能の循環ポンプを備えています。このポンプは、0。5、1。5、および4リットル/分の可変流量範囲を持ち、正確で再現性のあるサンプル調製を可能にするように設計されています。最後に、NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214は、実験に応じて、バッチまたは連続プロセスで使用するように設計されています。取り外し可能なビーカーカバーには、チューブやホースなどのアクセサリーを簡単に取り付けることができる特別に設計されたリップがあります。この柔軟な設計により、MF214は多くの研究室に理想的な選択肢となります。